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About Us

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About Us

UWCSEA is a united, welcoming community, spread across two campuses that embrace students and their families .
Learn more.


Guiding Statements

Our Guiding Statements help to ensure that our students are equipped to enact the mission throughout their lives . 
Learn more.


East Boarding Scholars 05


A welcome from our Director of Admissions and introduction to our process. Learn more.

UWCSEA runs an annual application cycle

Applications for 2025/2026

Applications for the 2025/2026 school are open.  Learn more.


East HS Academics Learning


A UWCSEA education is values-based and holistic, developing young people who will build a more peaceful and sustainable world. Learn more.

Thumbnail of Concept-Based Curriculum

Outdoor Education programme

Our challenging and fun outdoor education programme provides invaluable learning experiences. Learn more.


Dover PSE MS Community Building


The passion and energy of our diverse community of students is what makes our campuses come to life. Learn more.

East Boarding Scholars 28


Our scholars come from a wide range of backgrounds and bring unique perspectives and experience to our community. Learn more.



If you are as inspired by our mission to make education a force to unite. people...Learn more.

Working at UWCSEA

We welcome applications from prospective colleagues who will contribute to our diverse community…Learn more.

Support Us

UWCSEA Foundation Donor Celebration event

Support us

The UWCSEA culture of giving and service is central to our identity as a mission-aligned community. Learn more.

UWCSEA Foundation Mikael and Luuk

Impact of Giving

The generosity of our community has had a significant impact on individuals and groups in Singapore, the region and globally. Learn more.


UWCSEA has commissioned two important pieces of research

Our official magazines for our current community and alumni can be found here

University Advising

For more information

Detailed information on our university and careers advising process for students, which commences with general information in Grade 9, and progresses to individualised advising and support, can be found on the microsites for each campus:

The worldwide reputation enjoyed by UWCSEA's holistic learning programme means that our students are highly sought after by a wide range of universities around the world, including the most selective. Any student who wishes to attend university will be guided towards the best fit for their areas of interest.

International University Advising Fair

On both campuses, experienced teams of University Advisors support and guide students as they select their IB subjects and navigate university admissions processes across many destinations. Our student-centred approach encourages students to follow their passions and seek out the best options for their particular interests. 

Our university advising and career guidance programme commences in Grade 10. Students are provided with access to tools that assist them in gauging their potential for future studies and the possible career paths that will best suit them. These are explored as part of the PSE programme in mentor time and during grade-level assemblies. Our university advisors also provide Grade 10 students with advice on subject selection in preparation for the IBDP in Grade 11.

From Grade 11, an individualised programme of advising is provided, and our experienced University Advisors work with students to ensure they are supported in making choices and applications to best-fit courses and universities around the world. 

In addition to individual advising, our University Advisors run workshops and presentations for students and parents, to help in planning and making decisions around university choice. Students who are going on to complete National Service or to experience a Gap Year or the world of work are guided through this process by our University Advisors.

In addition to this, our alumni mentoring programme links current students with UWCSEA graduates who can share their experiences at particular universities and in specific career sectors. This can be via individual contact or through a series of Skype calls and workshops on campus. The annual cross-campus Careers Fair for our High School students is organised by our Parents’ Associations, and gives students an opportunity to speak with experts in a wide range of industries - some are parents, some are alumni and others volunteer from sectors that our university advising team have identified as of interest to our students.

Each year, over 300 university representatives from highly-regarded institutions from many countries, including Australia, Canada, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, the UK, the US and a number in Europe, visit one or both campuses to meet our students and provide information on courses and pathways.

By the numbers

For further detailed information on destinations download our by-campus profiles:

Dover IB results and university placements  East IB results and university placements

Opportunities unique to UWC students

UWCSEA students are privileged to have several designated UWC scholarship opportunities available to them. These include:

  • the Davis United World College Scholars Program which funds admitted UWC graduates to study at 90 designated colleges and universities across the United States 
  • several UWC-specific scholarship opportunities at Canadian universities such as Quest, Simon Fraser, Trent, York, University of Toronto and the University of Victoria 
  • UWC scholarships at King's College and University College London
  • scholarships at a few European and Australian universities