The use of technology to enhance student learning is deeply embedded in the Primary School. We provide an appropriate device for all primary aged students to use in the classroom, including to develop an eportfolio in order to share their learning.
Classroom learning is supported through appropriate use of technology; students access our online learning systems to manage their work, collaborate on group work, provide feedback and access and submit their homework. These systems also provide students with a gateway to an extensive network of online resources which are available to students via their password protected UWCSEA G Suite for Education account.
At school
In the Primary School, students use individual iPads or laptops, which stay in the classroom and are not brought home. Students are supported in their use of technology by the introduction of age-appropriate digital citizenship concepts as part of the PSE programme.
At home
Students in Grade 2–5 regularly require access to a computer at home because all students engage in age-appropriate collaborative learning and homework tasks. Some homework is assigned, completed and submitted using online tools. Many of the online tools are accessed in the classroom at school and students then login to complete or extend their learning through homework.