Developing compassion and responsibility, our Service programme allows students to put our values into action as they engage in rewarding experiential learning opportunities guided by our service learning curriculum.
At the heart of the UWC mission, service enables students to actively contribute to resolving social and environmental problems, both locally and globally. When students deepen their understanding of why these problems exist, they realise that everyone can play a part in taking informed, purposeful action.
As students encounter significant, real-world issues, they have tangible opportunities to develop the mission competencies through sustained and intentional practice. Whether it be honing their skills as a communicator who can tailor messages to different audiences, or growing their commitment to care as they unite to create change together, our Service programme gives students the chance to develop as individuals who view themselves as changemakers. By having a sense of purpose and forming an emotional connection to issues, Service learning enables students to develop their sense of identity and agency.
As students take action, they are asked to reflect on both the process and the outcome of their action. Importantly, this reflection provides them with multiple opportunities to develop their self identity as capable global citizens, who have agency and the ability to enact meaningful positive change in the world.
Sustainable Development is a key standard in our Service programme. We have identified this as an area where we have perhaps the greatest opportunity to act, as well as learn to shape a better world. As a result, our service learning curriculum has been designed to provide hands-on learning experiences as we support the five pledges of the UN’s Sustainable Development Agenda, which were launched with the Sustainable Development Goals.
Service in action
"There are three ways of trying to win the young. There is persuasion, there is compulsion and there is attraction. You can preach at them: that is a hook without a worm. You can say ‘you must volunteer’; that is the devil. And you can tell them ‘you are needed.’ That hardly ever fails.”
Kurt Hahn, Founder, UWC Movement
Service programme
All students are engaged in age-appropriate, service learning activities, linked directly to our K–12 curriculum, as well as to other elements of our UWCSEA learning programme. While the service interactions across our campuses are different, regardless of campus, school, grade or classroom, all students are striving in each of the three areas of learning identified in our service curriculum.