Outdoor Education
Outdoor Education
Outdoor Education takes place both within and beyond our campuses. All students take on experiential challenges that build resilience, collaboration and leadership through a carefully planned age-appropriate experiences.
Research shows that exposure to nature, can help individuals to develop empathy, become environmental stewards and sustain their wellbeing, and this goes to the heart of the UWC Mission. This is why at UWCSEA regular exposure to natural environments in outdoor learning spaces are valued extensions of our classrooms and built into all elements of the learning programme.
Students are regularly given opportunities to observe and investigate the natural world around them while safely challenging their own capabilities, both independently and with others. For all grades, this includes exploring the campus gardens and other natural spaces as part of the school day.
Whether exploring the natural environment on campus in K1, learning about water filtration in Grade 3 or taking on our High Ropes course in Grade 8, students develop confidence in their physical abilities and the emotional resilience to withstand difficult situations.
Achievements in outdoor education are recorded through student reflections and demonstrated in the character, skills, qualities and maturity that students develop and apply across all aspects of the learning programme and in their lives.
UWCSEA partnered with Oregon State University-Cascades to conduct a longitudinal study into the impacts of outdoor education. Findings present compelling evidence in support of the long-term benefits for students of an intentional Outdoor Education programme. Learn more