All students are supported in developing academic language skills as part of our learning programme. Our EAL team co-plan with teaching teams to provide this universal support.
Within the Grade 9/10 Programme
Students who require additional support can access a scaffolded version of the UWC English course. Running both English classes concurrently allows students to transition between them as needed.
Students select an additional language. They are encouraged to take their first language, and/or they may select a foreign language course from the available options.
Within the Grade 11/12 Programme
We offer both English A (first language) and English B (foreign language).
Students select an additional language. They are encouraged to take their first language (Language A), and/or they may select a foreign language course (Language B) from the available options. If they choose to take Systems Transformation for SL they can opt to take either Language A or Language B.
For students who require additional or intensified support we offer short term language instruction.
Additional first, home or heritage languages are offered through the Home Language Programme (HLP).