These advanced foreign language courses are for first language (native speaking), or near-first language (near-native speaking) students who also have prior academic study of the language.
Most advanced courses are part of the timetable and are delivered during the school day, with the exception of Dutch and Japanese which are offered after school to Dover Middle School students, in Grades 7 and 8.
Our School Supported Self Taught Language (SSST) programme is offered for High School students during the academic timetable. The course is for home language (mother tongue) learners who have also previous study of the language in an academic setting and who plan to continue studying the language in the IB Diploma in Grade 11 as a Language A or B choice. If you intend to apply to study in the SSST programme, please contact Admissions prior to making an application to ensure that we are able to support the language you plan to request.
On Dover Campus, students in Grade 9 and 10 whose first language is Dutch, French, German, Korean or Japanese are offered a UWCSEA-designed First Language course which provides academic study of the chosen language in preparation for the IB Diploma (or a return to study in a school which teaches in the language).
Available languages options differ by campus and are subject to demand.
Factsheet: UWCSEA Languages ProgrammeUWCSEA Grade 9-10 First Languages courseDover Dutch Language and Culture Programme