Handball, the "King of the Courts" on campus: Robbie Hoyes-Cock '99

It didn't matter which grade you were in. All it took was just one tennis ball to bring students together transfixed, eyes on the prize as staff members dodge out of the way of a whizzing stray ball.

Handball, the "King of the Courts" on campus: Robbie Hoyes-Cock '99 b

Robbie Hoyes-Cock '99:
All I ever did at break / lunch time was play 'King of the Courts'. The music rooms near the car drop-off offered the perfect L-shaped tournament handball courts. All lines were equal and there was a clear and undisputed hierarchy from entering the game to staying on the top court. Great to read this heritage has been maintained. Teachers used to get a little irritated with the zig-zagging they'd have to do passing through all 6 'courts'.