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About Us

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About Us

UWCSEA is a united, welcoming community, spread across two campuses that embrace students and their families.
Learn more.


Guiding Statements

Our Guiding Statements help to ensure that our students are equipped to enact the mission throughout their lives. 
Learn more.


East HS Academics Learning


A UWCSEA education is values-based and holistic, developing young people who will build a more peaceful and sustainable world. Learn more.

Thumbnail of Concept-Based Curriculum

K–12 Concept-Based Curriculum.

Our curriculum is designed to help students develop knowledge, skills and understanding through five elements of our learning programme. Learn more.


Dover PSE MS Community Building


The passion and energy of our diverse community of students is what makes our campuses come to life. Learn more.

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Our scholars come from a wide range of backgrounds and bring unique perspectives and experience to our community. Learn more.

Our Big Ideas

Dover Activities JS IDEAS Hub

Our Big Ideas

As a learning community, we engage with the world of ideas to connect concepts and put ideas into action. Learn more.


Singapore as a Nation State: Past, Present and Future.

By Mr Janadas Devan, Director of the Institute of Policy Studies at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, NUS

Discover the fascinating evolution of 'Singapore as a Nation State, Past Present and Future' with Mr. Janadas Devan and our panel of UWCSEA students, connecting Singapore's historical roots and its present circumstances. View here


East Boarding Scholars 05


A welcome from our Director of Admissions and introduction to our process. Learn more.

UWCSEA runs an annual application cycle

Applications for 2024/2025

Applications for the 2024/2025 school year will open on 1 September 2023 Learn more.



If you are as inspired by our mission to make education a force to unite people...Learn more.

Working at UWCSEA

We welcome applications from prospective colleagues who will contribute to our diverse community…Learn more.

Support Us

UWCSEA Foundation Donor Celebration event

Support us

The UWCSEA culture of giving and service is central to our identity as a mission-aligned community. Learn more.

UWCSEA Foundation Mikael and Luuk

Impact of Giving

The generosity of our community has had a significant impact on individuals and groups in Singapore, the region and globally. Learn more.

Test pop up

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Fusce interdum vulputate laoreet. Sed vehicula ipsum nec odio tristique tristique. Aliquam eget scelerisque sem. Mauris dignissim nibh sed ligula bibendum, sed suscipit ipsum ultrices. Nulla molestie, diam sit amet imperdiet tempus, ante dolor convallis arcu, id pulvinar ante nibh nec sem. Nulla aliquam consectetur dui, eget dictum magna rhoncus a. Aenean at ante auctor, placerat mauris eu, egestas elit. Aenean tincidunt rhoncus tellus sed efficitur. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Suspendisse nisi magna, cursus sed nisl sit amet, convallis mattis purus. Pellentesque metus enim, finibus a sem in, mattis sollicitudin libero. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus venenatis tempor blandit. Nulla nec porttitor enim, non feugiat tellus. Etiam consectetur quam sit amet odio fringilla hendrerit. Praesent congue sem ex, sed pretium eros lacinia nec. Morbi bibendum, nunc in rhoncus posuere, enim nisi ultrices dolor, vel ultricies urna tellus sit amet mauris. Donec varius sollicitudin scelerisque. Fusce ullamcorper dictum sodales. Donec quam purus, suscipit sit amet velit eget, cursus facilisis tellus. Quisque nisi eros, venenatis id maximus a, dictum eget ligula.