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About Us

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About Us

UWCSEA is a united, welcoming community, spread across two campuses that embrace students and their families .
Learn more.


Guiding Statements

Our Guiding Statements help to ensure that our students are equipped to enact the mission throughout their lives . 
Learn more.


East Boarding Scholars 05


A welcome from our Director of Admissions and introduction to our process. Learn more.

UWCSEA runs an annual application cycle

Applications for 2025/2026

Applications for the 2025/2026 school are open.  Learn more.


East HS Academics Learning


A UWCSEA education is values-based and holistic, developing young people who will build a more peaceful and sustainable world. Learn more.

Thumbnail of Concept-Based Curriculum

Outdoor Education programme

Our challenging and fun outdoor education programme provides invaluable learning experiences. Learn more.


Dover PSE MS Community Building


The passion and energy of our diverse community of students is what makes our campuses come to life. Learn more.

East Boarding Scholars 28


Our scholars come from a wide range of backgrounds and bring unique perspectives and experience to our community. Learn more.



If you are as inspired by our mission to make education a force to unite. people...Learn more.

Working at UWCSEA

We welcome applications from prospective colleagues who will contribute to our diverse community…Learn more.

Support Us

UWCSEA Foundation Donor Celebration event

Support us

The UWCSEA culture of giving and service is central to our identity as a mission-aligned community. Learn more.

UWCSEA Foundation Mikael and Luuk

Impact of Giving

The generosity of our community has had a significant impact on individuals and groups in Singapore, the region and globally. Learn more.


UWCSEA has commissioned two important pieces of research

Our official magazines for our current community and alumni can be found here

Impact Research

Dover Infant School Investigative time

Impact Research

As a learning community, we value research as an important part of our work. Many staff members are involved in independent research and our teachers, leaders and administrative staff are contributing to global conversations in their areas of expertise. The purpose of our research is to inform action and help us to improve the educational experience for our students.

With this in mind, UWCSEA has commissioned two important pieces of research to investigate key aspects of our learning programme. Through these longitudinal studies, we hope to identify some of the key strengths of our programme that are most effective for student learning and fulfilment of our mission. By working with expert partners at Harvard University and Oregon State University, we intend that the findings of both studies will inform not only the UWC(SEA) learning programme but the wider world of education in general, and international education in particular. 

The two studies are as follows:

  • An Impact Study, in partnership with the Harvard Graduate School of Education. This study , led by Howard Gardner as Principal Investigator, is investigating the impact(s) of a UWC education on both current and former students (including how that compares to the impact of non-UWC educational institutions), and the impact of the UWC movement on the wider world. 
  • A study of UWCSEA Outdoor Education programme, most particularly how the expeditions in Grades 6–11 contribute to the development of the qualities and skills of the UWCSEA profile. Many components of the profile (e.g., resilience, creativity, self-awareness) correspond directly with the traits and abilities identified by contemporary psychological research as predictive of long-term achievement and life satisfaction (Peterson & Seligman, 2004). The study is being conducted by faculty researchers at Oregon State University, Dr Michael Gassner and Dr Christopher Wolsko, who are experts in the fields of experiential education and social psychology. 

You can read more about the individual research below.