UWCSEA Scholars
The scholarship programme at the College provides opportunities for students of exceptional promise and potential to join our community. In common with our 17 sister schools across the UWC movement, we are committed to ensuring that students from all over the world, who we believe can make a positive impact on the local and global community, have the opportunity of a UWC education. Most scholarship students come to UWCSEA to complete the IB Diploma in Grades 11 and 12. These scholarships are awarded through the UWC national committee selection processes, which operate in over 130 countries worldwide. Similar to the way our UWCSEA boarders are offered a place in one of the College’s three boarding houses that we feel will be the best fit for their individual needs, the UWC that these scholars attend is decided by the UWC national committee at the time they are awarded the scholarship.
A small number of scholarship students are selected directly by UWCSEA in partnership with organisations in the students' home countries. These are generally three or five year scholarships that commence in Grade 8 or Grade 10.
Regardless of the process by which they are awarded the scholarship, our scholars must be able to meet the demands of our academic programme. However, as with all our High School students, they are also selected on the basis of their active commitment to their communities, their resilience and integrity, and their motivation to bring the UWC mission and values to their community.
All scholars join the Boarding Houses, bringing with them a wealth of experience and diversity of perspective that the whole community benefits from. Like all students, they are actively involved in the life of the school, and through sharing their cultures and stories our scholars support the deep engagement with different perspectives that is so important for our community.
Impact of our scholarship programme
By the numbers
Meet our community
Profile 1
You have the freedom as a student to create opportunities for yourself.
Profile 2
We all fit under the one UWC family.