Google Calendar view
This page displays all events for all school sections on both Dover and East Campus.
To customise your view (remove events you do not need) please select the drop down arrow next to the word 'Agenda' view below (top right hand side of the calendar). Then de-select the check boxes for the school sections you do not wish to see.
To subscribe to some or all of these calendars, please scroll to the bottom of the calendar and click on the ‘+ Google Calendar’ button. This will give you a list of all calendars available to you. Select the ones you wish to add to your own calendar.
You should leave College, Dover Campus and East Campus calendars selected, as events that cross over more than one school appear only in these calendars.
We have created guides on how to link our calendars to your own through iCal or Outlook.
Staff Calendars are only available when you logged in with your staff gapps account.