Information for Singapore Citizens
- College policy on MOE waiver applications
- Waiver applications from the MOE
- Application timeline for eligible applicants requiring an MOE-waiver
- New Applicants: pre-application process for Singapore Citizens
- Current students: information for those applying for Singaporean Citizenship
College policy on MOE waiver applications
Singapore Government regulations require Singaporean Citizens of Primary 1 age and above, who wish to attend a Foreign System School (FSS), to obtain a waiver from the Compulsory Education Act from the Ministry of Education (MOE). As a FSS, UWCSEA is expected to manage its Singaporean enrolment, hence our policy is to accept applications from Singapore Citizens in the following circumstances:
Singapore Citizens who are children of full-time staff currently employed at the College
Singapore Citizens applying to join UWCSEA who will be past or above Primary 1 registration age at the time of joining the College, and are children or siblings of alumni, or returning alumni of the College
- Singapore Citizens by birth applying to join UWCSEA who will be past or above Primary 1 registration age at the time of joining the College, and have siblings currently in the College
- Singapore Citizens, who are returning to Singapore from a period of study overseas and are applying directly to join UWCSEA in High School on their return to Singapore. Siblings applying to Middle School are welcome to apply at the same time.
- Naturalised Singapore Citizens applying to join UWCSEA who will be past or above Primary 1 registration age at the time of joining the College, and have siblings currently in the College
We do not accept applications to the Infant School in the following situations, because we cannot guarantee the continuity of education at the College for these applicants (and it is therefore not in the best interests of the child):
- those who may become a Singapore Citizen prior to Primary 1 registration age
- those who are Singapore Citizens wanting to join Kindergarten 1 or 2 unless they are past Primary 1 registration at the time of entry into Kindergarten 2
Our policy with respect to accepting applications from Singapore Citizens is subject to change. Please contact Admissions before submitting an application if you would like further clarification on your individual situation.
Waiver applications from the MOE
A FSS may not offer a place to a Singapore Citizen of Primary 1 age and above without first obtaining a waiver from the MOE for that student to attend that FSS.
A FSS must not submit an application for a waiver from the MOE unless the FSS has a place available for the student for whom the application for a waiver is being submitted.
Parents may not submit applications for a waiver from the MOE directly. All applications for waivers from the MOE must be submitted by the FSS when it has an available place for the Singapore Citizen.
All waivers from the MOE are considered on a case by case basis, granted entirely at the discretion of the MOE. An MOE waiver is attached to the FSS (Foreign System School) that submits the application on behalf of the family. This means that even if a student is holding a waiver from the MOE to attend one FSS, an application for a waiver to attend a different FSS may or may not be successful. An MOE waiver from one school cannot be transferred to a different school for the child to be able to attend the new school.
Application timeline for eligible applicants requiring an MOE-waiver
New Applicants: pre-application process for Singapore Citizens
Current students: information for those applying for Singaporean Citizenship
If your child is a current student in our Infant School and you wish to apply for Singapore citizenship prior to Primary 1 registration please be aware that this could mean that your child’s continued education into Grade 1 at UWCSEA may not be guaranteed.
This is because it is College policy to only apply for waivers from the MOE in limited circumstances. We will only apply for waivers for Singapore Citizens who are new applicants to the College and then strictly according to the priority circumstances outlined above.
This means that UWCSEA would not be in a position to apply for a waiver for your child to continue at UWCSEA if your child’s application to become a Singapore Citizen is successful prior to the required Primary 1 registration period as prescribed by the Compulsory Education Unit of the MOE.
If your child is a current student in UWCSEA in Grade 1 and above and their application to become a Singapore citizen is successful, under prevailing Singapore Government regulations, we would not have to apply for a waiver from the MOE for your child to continue with UWCSEA.
Please be aware that becoming a Singapore Citizen would have implications for any re-application to UWCSEA if your child leaves the College (for example, due to relocation or transfer to another school in Singapore), and then subsequently wishes to return to UWCSEA. The prevailing College policy on accepting applications from Singapore Citizens would then apply.
As with all changes in nationality and/or immigration status, we ask parents to update their child’s details online through the parent portal to ensure the College complies with the Singapore Government requirement to keep accurate and up to date records of our enrolment.
If you are a parent of a currently enrolled student who is considering applying to become a Singapore Citizen, please contact the Office of the Registrar for clarification on the possible impact on their continued enrolment.
If you are a parent of a currently enrolled student who has become a Singapore Citizen, please inform the Office of the Registrar within 3 working days of the notification of the outcome of their Singapore citizenship application.