Our definition of learning and learning principles guide our educational practice across the entire learning programme. Motivation for learning is enhanced by the practices that are derived from these principles. While each principle is identified separately, they are interconnected and impact each other. Based in research, they are not listed in any particular order.
We know learning is effective when:
Learners feel secure and supported: therefore, learners need a positive and respectful learning environment in which it is safe to succeed or to make mistakes and try again
Learners understand the purpose of the learning: therefore, goals should be explicit
Learners construct new understanding by building upon prior knowledge: therefore, it is important that new learning is connected to what the learner has previously experienced or understood
Learners listen, talk and interact with others: therefore, learners must have a range of opportunities to engage with others in a variety of situations
Learners construct meaning by making connections between knowledge: therefore, learning experiences need to be organised around core concepts
Learners are appropriately challenged: therefore, learning opportunities should align with the developmental stage and individual needs of learners
Learners use timely and goal directed feedback: therefore, ongoing assessment should be regular and structured in a manner that allows for specific feedback to guide the learner in constructing meaning
Learners have time for meaningful and deliberate practice: therefore, learners need well considered opportunities to develop and improve skills and understanding
Learners have ownership of their learning: therefore, learners need opportunities for self-directed learning
Learners think and act upon their learning: therefore, learners need opportunities to develop strategies to plan, monitor, reflect and make adjustments to learning as needed